
ConsternationBrood AppleCongeal CocoonFlinger GorillaVacillateStronghold. FenceThe Sweet and Opulent Cede Trex ContingencyShadow of DeathBird

This was my graduate thesis show first displayed at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, 2009.

Artist statement (pardon the wordiness–I was quite the intellectual)

These works are the record of a search that began with the age old premise that one can dig to find truth. Books, magazines, internet, television, dance classes, conversations, and random thoughts and observations became valuable resources, and I sifted through the bombardment of information by trusting my interests. My search produced answers to questions I didn’t ask and, of course, more inquiries.

Through these paintings I’ve tried to make tangible my sense that life is complex because it is motivated by complimentary and contradictory forces. This answer poses relationships of relativity and points to my inability to find an all-encompassing, concrete truth. Depending on how one sees it—and this shifts for me often—relativity can be extremely liberating and/or terrifying. Ironically, because of this relativity, I now deeply believe in the guiding force of intuition.

Also, through this endeavor, I gained a sense of resignation knowing that I’ll have to house the doubts and tribulations of searching to combat stagnation and find possibilities in my work and life. ~May 2009~